Order Your Robocall

Our setup process is as simple as 1 - 2 - 3!

Submit your call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and enjoy the high quality, low rates, and reliability that you’ve come to expect from Robodial!

  • Your phone list must contain 10-digit phone numbers. If your phone numbers start with "1", then remove the "1" before submitting. Only the first phone number will be picked up from each line of your spreadsheet. If you have multiple lists that you want to combine, just zip them all up together and send the zip file

  • Use this to send your own recording instead of calling-in to our Recording Studio. Make sure your recording complies with these FCC regulations:
    The phone number of the person or group responsible for the call must be spoken during the message.
    The message says who is responsible for the call at the beginning of the message.
    Please click on this FCC ROBOCALL FAQ for more details.
    If your message does not comply with FCC regulations your order may be cancelled

  • Emergency Robocall (allows cell phones to be called)
    If you choose this option, we will review your robocall to ensure it complies with the TCPA definition of an emergency robocall.
    The TCPA defines emergency robocalls as:
    Calls made necessary in any situation affecting the health and safety of consumers. 47 C.F.R. § 64.1200(f)((4)
    Please click on this FCC ROBOCALL FAQ for more details.
    If your message does not comply with FCC regulations your order may be cancelled

    *** IMPORTANT ***
    You may use this option for advisory calls related to the COVID-19 pandemic, so long as the main purpose of the call is to provide information to keep people safe. See the FCC's March 2020 declaratory ruling for details.

    Examples of emergency robocalls permitted for cell phones without consent:

    Advising residents/members to avoid an event or location to reduce the risk of contracting or spreading a virus.
    Hurricane, tornado, or severe storm warning, with instructions.
    Warning that roads are dangerous, and to stay off of them.
    Warning that the tap water is contaminated, and not to drink it.

    An inconvenience is not the same as an emergency. For example a flight cancellation is not an emergency, and airlines must obtain consent to send those messages to cell phones. Messages like this will NOT BE APPROVED as an emergency.